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Sunday 7 May 2017

Phalenopsis cornu-cervi - Sold

Flowering orchid.
Easy for bright balcony, daily watering.
Continuously flowering on zigzag rachis


Hybrid Crinum swamp lily - Sold

Totally white trumpet-shaped bloom, even filaments. 
Errect flower stalk, no need staking. 
Unlike most Crinum, this one flowers when about 1 feet tall. 
Narrow wavy leaves. 
Keep moist all the time. Morning direct sun to full sun to bloom. 
2 plants available, one flowering the other  is not. 

Price: $22

Tuesday 28 March 2017

Buxus in printed porcelain pot with self-contained tray

Boxwood has a textured trunk that lends itself naturally to being bonsaied.

The matching pot rather complements the style of its growth and more more importantly, is very functional in containing the water and maintaining humidity for this plant.

Raphionacme species

Another rarity in local scene, this relative of milkweed has a potato - like caudex from which a vine-like or rosette aerial stems appear, depending on the species.

A very slow grower, a plant with fist-size caudex is probably a decade old or more.

This particular one is R. galpinii which flowers well in Singapore during growing season.

Gymnocalycium ragonesei - Sold

A small jem of a cactus that is armed with flat harmless spines.

It is extremely slow growing in our climate and also does not like extreme full sun - which suits flat dwellers just fine.

The white flower is tall and larger than the diameter of the cactus body when fully opened.

Thursday 2 March 2017

Variegated Pandanus and Crinum asiatica

What's the difference between these 2 variegated plants? 

Both are gorgeous variegates no doubt. The top plant is Crinum asiatica, a bulb which bears white starry flower. The bottom one is a Pandan, which has stilt roots but no bulbs.

 .... more importantly for a grower, the Crinum has smooth thick leaves, very nice to touch

....Pandan has thorns at the edge of the leaves, and if you turn to the underside, the midrib as well .... this can hurt you.

 We have small Variegated Crinum asiatica - in Chinese porcelain pot + driptray

Gesneriads available

Wednesday 22 February 2017

Licuala mattaensis var pausisecta. Mapu Palm seedlings.

Seedlings of a rare palm from Borneo with variegated leaves.
The seedling keep its spots, so to speak. The mottling will not fade even in adults, unlike many other palms.
The plant rarely produce pups, so the only way to get new plant is from seeds.
Some of the seeds took more than 6 months to germinate, which is typical of Licualas.

Shade and high humidity.
This is a slow grower, love it as it is and let it takes its time.
Plants on top 2 pics are offered.
Last pic is a big plant, for reference, not for sale.

Licuala cordata pups

 🐡Ultimate palm collector's plant: beautiful, rare and hard to grow.
🐡Seeds are notoriously erratic to germinate and hard to come by.
🐡Seedlings grow very slowly until they reach a certain size.
🐡Humid, shady and wet spot.
🐡Not for normal apartment balcony.
🐡Although considered "dwarf" by palm standard, it can take up a space of 2 metre diameter.
The top 2 photos show the pup available for sale. Plant has been growing in the pot for more than 6 months.

 The bottom 2 pictures is the parent.